
Planning Applications received 15 Cotterell’s Lane, and approvals Pitt Dene Farm and Browns Farm

Planning Applications Uploaded on December 20, 2021

Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Repair works to and replacement of roof finish of existing barn. Works to also incorporate roof lights within roof.
Site address: 15 Cotterells Lane Elsworth CB23 4JR
Reference: 21/05368/HFUL
Public Access Link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Repair works to and replacement of roof finish of existing barn. Works to also incorporate roof lights within roof.
Site address: 15 Cotterells Lane Elsworth CB23 4JR
Reference: 21/05369/LBC
Public Access Link:


Approval given


Reference: 21/04671/PRIOR

Proposal: Change of Use of Agricultural Building to 2 No. Dwellinghouses (Class C3), and for

building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion.

Site address: Barn At Browns Farm Boxworth Road Elsworth Cambridgeshire

Further to previous correspondence relating to the above matter I write to inform you that this

application was Prior Approval Given on 17 December 2021.

To view the planning decision notice and the case officer’s report please visit


For information only

Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 6 (Drainage) of prior approval S/1955/19/PA
Site address: Pittdene Farm Rogues Lane Elsworth
Reference: S/1955/19/CONDD

Public Access link: